With the growing concerns on computer hacks, thefts and security issues, it was prudent to bring to the users a comprehensive set of information which will help everyone not only learn but identify all types of computer security issues.
The two major categories of computer security are as follows, each of which will be discussed in detail below:
- Software Security
- Malware Security
What are the Types of Software Security?
Software that is manufactured for the purpose of identifying, preventing and repairing the disasters caused by hackers or malware on your device or networks can be referred to as the security software. Security software may develop a route which enables it to prevent attacks from reaching the targeted location in the first place or to reduce the potential damages that occur as a result of the attack and also would keep a track of all types of damages caused by the attack so that the repair process can start. With the advancements in technology, as the malicious nature of attacks have evolved so has the security softwares to tackle them.
Following are the few types of software security that can be employed to keep your device safe:
1. Firewall
A firewall forbids unauthorized people from gaining access to any network or device without limiting the access of those who are authorized on the device or network in the first place. Firewalls can be installed with software or in form of hardware. Many devices have pre-installed firewalls in their operating systems for instance Microsoft has a pre-installed firewall. Routers and servers may also have their own firewall while there are other firewalls in hardwares that are solely working on restricting unauthorized users from accessing a device they are not allowed to access.

2. Antivirus
Antivirus software is that magician which doesn’t allow the malicious code to cause a disaster to a network or computer by identifying the attack way before it starts. However it also has the ability to prevent an attack while it is in progress since it would be too late to prevent it and would also reverse the damages done by the attack while it has been in process. Antivirus software is indeed highly useful as it caters to security concerns where malicious codes have already crossed the firewalls but the antivirus needs to be updated on a daily basis because viruses are developing on a daily basis.
3. Antispyware
Antivirus software as we have already discussed is manufactured to stop a malicious code from attacking the device or network but the purpose of the antispyware software is to stop an unauthorized access from taking data that is stored on the device or is being run through the computer. The goal of Spyware is not to damage the files and information or the operating systems consequently it doesn’t prompt the antivirus software to do the damage control but the antispyware software is able to identify the attacks of a spyware by keeping a track of the communications between any external entity and the device in concern. When any communications flag out that is not authorized by the owner of the device, antispyware software will tell the user and would stop any further communications.
4. Home Computers
Home computers and many small scale businesses adopt security softwares on their desktop devices. This is that section of the security software which sometimes called the end-point security, remains localizable and operates continuously on the PC. As the software is continuously running it will make use of the resources of the system and may make your device slow and affect the performance of the device. However as it runs in real time, it responds rapidly to malicious codes and implement necessary steps to stop them as soon as possible.
5. Network Security
When many devices are using the same network it becomes more resource effective when it comes to defining security of the network. Antivirus software can be downloaded on an open server and will then automatically install itself on every computer connected to it. Firewalls are set on one common server or as an independent hardware into the network where the internet access is directed from. Hence any data that runs out of the common internet access is first sifted through the installed common firewall.
What are the Types of Malware Security?
There are many forms of malware softwares that are ready to infect your device and steal data including the viruses, worms and spyware softwares. All famous anti-virus software manufacturers such as the McAfee, a Trojan is not exactly a virus as it doesn’t make copies of itself when it enters a device. A Trojan enters a device disguised as a program that is apparently harmless and slowly begins to attack various areas of the device’s operating system. New Trojans are getting manufactured on a daily basis and the list is never ending however some common ones are listed below:
1. Clampi
Clampi is the famous backdoor Trojan that sneaks its way in through an Internet port that is open. The Clampi is that sneaky Trojan that enters via an Internet port that is unprotected and starts its process when the device is rebooted. The Trojan gets into a connection with the web server and starts transmitting the sensitive user data to an external receiver also connected to the server.
2. Kido
This is that type of Trojan which comprises of a series of softwares that will start operating on a computer that is being seeped by the Trojan without the permission of the user. These programs or softwares will consist of data mining techniques which will send the user data to any other receiver, pop up adds will constantly pop up and would redirect the user to websites that he/she wouldn’t want to visit.
3. FakeAV
The FakeAV Trojan is basically a tray program that sets itself in the system of the Windows tray and would pop up repeatedly asking the user to visit the link for registration to some antivirus program. When the link is clicked further series of malware will get downloaded on the device already infected.
4. Redirector.U
The Redirector.U Trojan is a web page pointer that makes use of the Javascript to stay hidden from the antivirus programs. It takes the user to a website infected with pop up links. If the user gets tricked into clicking the link, she/he will be taken to another web page that would automatically start loading malicious codes on the device.