How to Delete Snapchat Story and Have Some Peace
In September of 2011, created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, a revolutionary application was launched by Snap Inc. The app which is currently on both Android and…
In September of 2011, created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, a revolutionary application was launched by Snap Inc. The app which is currently on both Android and…
Snapchat has taken social media world by storm. With its unique features and functioning, it stands out in every way. People are just so hook to it. It drives them…
Most applications that you use were first made exclusive on web browsers. After the launch on web browsers and the development of smartphones, applications were introduced. For example, back in…
Snapchat is one of the most popular applications in terms of social media applications. This should not be surprising considering according to the last official statistics gained, it was seen…
These days everyone is in a race of creating a better image of themselves through social media apps. And people do a lot of stuff to show their daily life…
Snapchat introduced a whole new Pandora box in the face of social networking with its real time 24hour diminishing stories which instantly became a success among people and surfaced as…
Remember the moments back in middle school/high school when you first started using social media. Most of your posts had captions with both upper and lower case letters and endless…
Snapchat is a very important application for a lot of people especially for the millennial generation that have essentially grown up with this application. Initially the functionality of Snapchat was…
Which application’s camera do you think people use the most nowadays on their mobile phones? If you think the answer is Snapchat, then you would be correct. According to the…
When social media applications were first introduced, it was hard for many of us to function them. A lot of us could not figure out making our email addresses for…